Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Upland and waterfowl 2022


    Early on in September I joined a group of guys running bear dogs in VT. After that trip I left my camper up in Lancaster NH at a fairgrounds. I returned 3 weeks later and luckily it was still there. I picked it up and my dad and I drove to Colebrook, NH and stayed at the Notch View Inn campground. It was a quick trip over the border into VT where we hit up our regular spots, and found a few new ones as well. Although we had plenty of opportunities, only one grouse was shot and a few woodcock. We tried fishing, but the water level was really high with a recent amount of rain. We actually cancelled with a guide and tried a small river with no success.


     Around my birthday in late October I like to my a trek home to do a little hunting. In 2022 my Dad and I with my friend Dan went to the Peru/ Bromley area of Southern VT and hit up a few spots. It was extraordinarily warm for that time of year and dry. We were able to find a good flight of woodcock, but only came back with a few. 

    The rest of the bird season was just a few days trips to local stocked areas with the dogs.

    Duck season was an after-thought. The season on the cape goes well into January, after all other seasons are closed. I was able to get out a few times and hit a few birds with the old lady Piper. 

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