Saturday, March 31, 2012

Harry Training

       Heres a video of Harry my beagle. The video is a couple quick clips I took from my phone while he was on a rabbit. When I first got Harry I tried to find something on how to train a beagle to chase a rabbit. I did not find a whole heck of a lot. I really could not understand why there wasn't any information on it until our first encounter with one. Upon returning home to my girlfriend's apartment one night in Newport, RI, I spotted a cottontail in the yard. I took Harry out from his crate, put him on a leash and ran him outside. Luckily the rabbit was still there in the yard unsuspecting. I slowly walked Harry over to the rabbit, his eyes were locked on to it. I got closer and closer until finally the rabbit took off. Harry leaped out of my arms and started after it. Luckily I still had him on his leash, as the tiny 3 month old puppy astounded me as he gave me a lesson on gun dog genetics. His DNA told him to chase that rabbit, not me. I was very excited and proud, the only bad thing was now he had the scent in his nose. Every time he went outside in the yard after that he had to be put on a lead because there is always a chance that he will find that scent again and be gone.
      Harry hasn't had a lot of actual hunting experience. I took him out around Christmas time while I was back home in the Berkshires. We didn't find any hare, but he at least got some exercise. I think he slept for two days straight after that.

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