Friday, February 5, 2021

Upland Hunting 2020

 Upland Hunting 2020

    I had a really great upland season. The grouse broods in the north were on the upswing in their populations and conditions were just right. My dad and I did a trip to Quimby's Country in the Northeast Kingdom of VT. Using our past experience in the area, along with the Scout-N-Hunt app that shows all of the timber cutting, we were able to find a few really great areas that held a lot of birds. We didn't find many woodcock, but there were so many grouse around it didn't matter.  Quimby's is an old sportman's camp that they are trying to turn into a destination for weddings and tourists. The camps are old and run down, but they have character. Our small cabin had a wood stove, but not enough outlets to run the microwave and the small refrigerator at the same time. The camp is located in a pristine grouse hunting areas, surrounded by paper company land. They do not allow hunting on their property however.

Sometime around late October, I did a small day trip with my dad and buddy Steve. We hit up some favorite woodcock spots in southern VT. It was a beautiful day and we got into quite a bit of birds. We hit the migration just right.

I let both dogs run together around Francis Crane for pheasant. The culmination of the season on the last day when Luna had a solid point, with Piper going on point with an honor. I found the rooster on the ground and kicked him up, dropping him with the first shot. Piper retrieved it to hand, making for a happy handler. 

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